Is My Vehicle Drivable After An Accident?

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22 Oct

You never think you’ll get into an accident until it happens. It’s more common to get into an automobile accident than one would think. Odds are that we will face some kind of accident sometime in our lives, whether it is a fender bender or a total collision. The next question is, can you still drive your car after an accident? The answer is: it depends on the situation. The severity of the accident is what determines whether you can still operate your car.

First things first – assess the damage of your car. Here are some different instances that can help you determine what is deemed drivable or not. Even if looks like it may be able to drive, it is always better to get damages assessed by a mechanic just to be sure.

  • If your car doesn’t start, don’t force it to start. It’s a clear indication that the car is not drivable.
  • If it is more of a minor accident, such as a fender bender, where the damages are only cosmetic, it should be drivable.
  • If the accident causes your headlights or taillights to not work properly, especially at night, do not drive. It is a danger to yourself and to others on the road.
  • If the bumper is hanging off, tires are flat, or any pieces of the vehicle are scraping the road it is not safe to drive.
  • Any fluids leaking from the vehicle is another way to determine that it is not drivable.

When it comes to your safety, if you think that something could be wrong with your vehicle even if you can’t see it or don’t know if you can identify it correctly, then don’t risk it. There is nothing wrong with getting a tow truck just to be cautious. Remember that your car isn’t running at its normal capacity so there could be problems wrong that cannot be seen, because of this use extreme caution. If there are first responders at the scene, asking a police officer for their opinion on whether your vehicle is drivable or not.

Depending on the state, the laws for driving after getting into an accident may vary. In some states the moment your vehicle gets into an accident it is not allowed to be driven until the vehicle is repaired. The best way to find out if any laws apply when driving a damaged vehicle is to contact your insurance company. They will go over everything that you can do to ensure that you are being a cautious driver and will not get yourself into another accident due to the damage on your vehicle has.

If you need an expert opinion to evaluate the damages to your vehicle, make an appointment with us at Tropical Chevrolet Collision Repair of Miami and we’ll help you deal with any damages. We’re here Monday – Saturday for any and all of your collision needs!