Common Collision Types in Miami

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09 Sep

Welcome to Miami! If you already live here then this article may not be new information for you! Ready? Here it is: Miami-Dade County is one of the most dangerous areas to drive in Florida. Filled with people and activity that gets you excited to explore with the energy that surrounds you, that emotion continues onto the roads. Don’t worry you won’t get into an accident as soon as you get in the car but there is some information about common accidents to watch out for.

Let’s get started with the environment. Although Florida is not known for its seasons (hint: we don’t have any unless you count hurricane season) there are statistics that show car accidents happen more during certain months. This happens to be during our “winter” months. Just in 2017, there were 6,331 accidents in October, 5,918 accidents in December and 5,835 accidents in November! Although we have no seasons there are plenty of people from up north that come down to avoid the bitter cold. The increase in population definitely could explain why this happens.

During this timeframe, the most common accidents were a rear or side impact. Often called a fender-bender a rear impact happens when someone’s front end car hits another person’s car rear end. In Miami, authorities, and attorneys usually lay the blame on the rear care since there should be enough distance between cars to have enough braking time. A side impact is when a car is hit on it’s…wait for it…side. Crazy we know! This tends to happen when someone drives through a stoplight or stop sign and hits another car at an intersection.

The second group of accident types are head-on, rollover, and runoff. Head-on collisions are really scary because the front of your car gets the impact. Driving while sleepy or drunk (which are both not allowed and one is illegal) is the most common reason why these collisions happen. Some cases are just a car entering the opposing lane of traffic by driving the wrong way.

A rollover collision is when the vehicle flips onto its side or roof. All types of collisions could cause this to happen but usually when someone does a sharp turn while speeding. A runoff collision although less frequent is considered common in Miami. This means one car hAs driven off the road and collided with a stationary object. Usually happens when someone is swerving to avoid something on the road. This is another reason why one should not be speeding and why those behind you should have enough space from your car to brake if needed.

These accidents can be easily prevented, but if you find yourself caught up in one of the situations above, make an appointment with us! Our excellent service will give you guaranteed satisfaction. Simply give us a call at (305) 908-5545 or visit us online.