collision facts to know

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03 Sep

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 2.4 million people were injured and nearly 35,000 people died in 6.2 million crashes nationwide in 2015. So, it is safe to say you can consider yourself lucky if you have never had a car accident as an adult.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 2.4 million people were injured and nearly 35,000 people died in 6.2 million crashes nationwide in 2015. So, it is safe to say you can consider yourself lucky if you have never had a car accident as an adult.

Here are some facts from that are important to be aware of every time you are behind the wheel from now on:

  • More than 90 people pass away in car accidents each day in the U.S.
  • Another three million are injured, with about two million of those experiencing long-term or permanent injuries.
  • Wearing a seatbelt reduces your risk of death by 45% as well as your risk of serious injury by 50%, yet among the total fatal accidents, 48.1% were not wearing a seat belt.
  • People not wearing a seatbelt are 30 times more likely to be ejected from the vehicle during a crash.
  • The primary causes of accidents that result in a fatality include alcohol, speeding, and reckless driving — the primary causes of accidents that do not result in a fatality include distracted driving and driving while fatigued.
  • 72% of the time crashes result in property damage
  • About nine people each day are killed as a result of distracted driving.
  • Texting while driving increases your likelihood of getting into an accident by 23 times.
  • Driving while using a cell phone reduces the amount of brain activity associated with driving by a whopping 37%.
  • Sending or receiving a text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent -at 55 mph- of driving the length of an entire football field blind.
  • 40% of all American teens say that they have been in a car when the driver used a cell phone in a way that put people in danger.

It is important for you to know that you never have to manage a car accident alone. Always make sure you contact the police or an accident attorney. This will ensure your rights are protected and that valuable evidence is not destroyed. Never discuss your accident on social media, and, in fact, don’t talk to anyone about the accident other than your own attorney, your own insurance company and the police. Avoid talking to a representative of another insurance company without discussing it with your own insurer and/or your attorney.

If you get involved in an accident and need a reliable collision center to take care of your vehicle and make it look like the crash never happened, make sure you give us a call at (305) 908-5545 for a quality job and an excellent customer service, our find us at our website.